Next release by Kiss Army Spain «Paul Stanley,1989 solo tour».

Hi family!!! KISS Army Spain is trying to offer the best to our members once again, and this time we have the pleasure to launch an exclusive so all the fans can go on holiday in August with one more reason to have a big smile on their faces while enjoying their vacation time.

KISS Army Spain will release by the end of October 2017 an exclusive book about one of the most exciting and forgotten chapters in the KISStory: Paul Stanley’s solo tour in 1989. “PAUL STANLEY GIRA EN SOLITARIO 1989” will be a book featuring more than 150 full-colour pages,  with the usual quality standards of all KISS Army Spain releases. More than 250 photos, many of them never before seen, exclusive interviews, reviews by fans who attended to some of those shows, tickets, concert posters and all, ALL facts and data about the tour. The reasons why Paul decided to do this tour, members of the band, setlists, guitars used by him, guitar picks, T-shirts, magazine reviews and newspapers clippings… A real jewel which KISS fans will love.

The book is finished, we just need to design it and take it to the printing company. We don’t think it will be available until end of October having into account that August is a bank holiday month. We will keep you posted.

We are absolutely thrilled with this new book by KISS Army Spain. We guarantee you will love it as much as we do!!!




Kiss Army Spain os da la bienvenida, única web y Fan Club español autorizado por Kiss. Creado por Javier Rueda. Programación BiroStudio.


Javier Rueda (Webmaster)

Mauricio Vázquez (Colaborador / Traducciones)

Alex Barreiro (Colaborador / Eventos)