Dear KISS family,
Another year is coming to an end which has been another difficult year. It started with the breaking news of the European KISS tour cancellation and on July 15th the sad passing of Gary Corbett (63) hit us very hard. We send him our prayers to the good Gary.
But we are getting stronger and we are sure that 2022 will finally be the year getting back to normal life. If we believe in super heroes who fly to the rafters of the stage, breathe fire and shoot missiles from their guitars, we must believe this nightmare of the damn virus will be over!! If we KISS fans have a special feature is that we never give up.
From KISS ARMY SPAIN we would like to wish all of you have merry Christmas along with your families and friends and a very happy new year 2022 full of great moments. We will meet on the first rows singing and jumping like crazy KISS fans, at the Spanish shows of the END OF THE ROAD WORLD TOUR.
Huge hugs from KISS ARMY SPAIN!!
We are one, We want KISS!!

Javier Rueda, Mauricio Vázquez & Alex Barreiro